Adrian Rogers Devotional ( Love Worth Finding ) for today is available here. Love Worth Finding is a “profound truth simply stated”. Read and be blessed.

The Topic of Adrian Rogers Love Worth Finding Daily Devotional For Today 23rd March 2024 is “What Do You Have in Common with a Thief?”
Sermon: 2189 Why the Cross? Part 2
Pray Over This:
“…who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.”
1 Peter 2:24
Ponder This
I want you to imagine a scene: They took Jesus and nailed Him to the cross. There were two thieves, one on each side. But those crosses were put up for three thieves: the two thieves who were crucified, and Barabbas. It was Barabbas’s cross. Imagine the soldier, with a torch, goes down a narrow corridor in a dingy Roman jail. He comes to a certain cell. The guard stops and says, “You are free to go. Barabbas, you’re not going to die. Do you see those three crosses? See the middle cross?
That cross was made for you. But Pilate says you’re going to go free. That man up there is dying in your place.” I don’t know what came of Barabbas, but isn’t it wonderful how God arranges the whole thing so we can learn and see the lesson of substitution?
You say, “Christ died for me.” That’s true, but may I ask you to tweak it just a little bit? Instead, say this to yourself today: “Christ died instead of me.” That’s what it is. The purpose of the cross is one of substitution. Barabbas was a thief; we’re thieves. We are supposed to have been God’s stewards and we failed. Barabbas was a rebel. We’re meant to be God’s servants, and we’ve rejected Him. Barabbas was a murderer, and we are responsible for the death of God’s Son. Barabbas was a prisoner, and we have been bound with sin. He represents us all.
How easily do you recognize your sin as deserving of death? Why does this matter?
Why is understanding that Christ died “instead of me” important in our faith?
Practice This
Write down the statement “Christ died instead of me” and put it up somewhere you will be regularly reminded of this truth.
Love Worth Finding daily devotional is published by the Love Worth Finding Ministries. The ministry was founded in 1987 by Adrian Rogers where he also served as a Bible teacher.
Known for his unique ability to simplify profound truth so that it can be applied to everyday life, Adrian Rogers was one of the most effective preachers, respected Bible teachers, and Christian leaders of our time. Read More
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