Turning Points Devotional with Dr David Jeremiah is a daily load of wisdom and spiritual insight to help you stay in touch with God every day. Read today’s edition below.

The Topic of David Jeremiah Devotional for today 5th March 2025 is “Bat Habits”
Scripture: Colossians 3:8, NIV
But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.
Recommended Reading: Colossians 3:5-11
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David Jeremiah Daily Devotional for Today 5th March 2025
A zoo in Germany has a bat cave through which visitors can walk, which is what Elina Öfele did with her son. When she returned home, Elina found a bat in her clothing. Thankfully, zoo officials were able to return the creature to its cave… while Elina calmed her nerves.
As we walk through this dark world, the sins lurking around us try to stow away in our hearts and minds. We develop bad habits without realizing it at first. Fatigue can increase our irritability. A few clicks on the computer can poison our minds. A busy schedule can disrupt church habits. A slip of the tongue can damage your testimony.
Recognizing sin is the prelude to grace. Are any “bat habits” stowing away in your life? Confess them and ask for God’s help in forsaking them. He specializes in helping us overcome temptations. If you need to make changes in your life, start today.
Let us stop the progress of sin in our soul at the first stage, for the further it goes the faster it will increase.
Thomas Fuller
Read-Thru-the-Bible: Joshua 1-4
About Turning Point Devotional By Pastor David Jeremiah.
Turning Point With God is a Daily Devotional Written by David Jeremiah. He is the Pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church. A church with a vision to serve God and humanity with a strong belief that the church should be a real place, a place that is warm and relevant to the lives of real people in normal everyday situations.
♦ Official Website: DavidJeremiah.org
♦ Facebook: David Jeremiah
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