Watch Sunday Service with Apostle Johnson Suleman
Watch the live broadcast of Omega Fire Ministries International Sunday service with Apostle Johnson Suleman and other anointed men of God.
Do you want to stream live service by Apostle Suleman or desire to watch live service from the Omega fire Ministries? Then you are on the right page. Here you can join live service from the OFM with the st man, Apsotle Johnson Suleman via a single click.
This lives broadcast channel is a transformational Worship Platform that changes obstacles to Miracles While Worshipping in Spirit and in Truth. An Electrifying Atmosphere Of Fellowship & Adoration.
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You are watching Omega Fire Ministries International Sunday service live broadcast with Apostle Johnson Suleman .
Apostle Johnson Suleman is a Nigerian televangelist and the senior pastor and general overseer of Omega Fire Ministries International, a church with its headquarters in Auchi, Edo State.
Apostle Johnson Suleman Celebration TV.
You can watch also watch Apostle Suleman on Celebration TV . The celebration is the Center for Revival, Scriptures, Strange Miracles & The Prophetic In Africa. It is the official television channel of Apostle Johnson Suleman We bring to our lovely audience latest event of the oracle of God Apostle Johnson Suleman and Omega Fire Ministries