Seek God Early


RCCG House Fellowship Leader Manual 16th July 2023, Lesson 46



RCCG House Fellowship Leader’s Manual Is used by RCCG House Fellowship leaders. This manual is designed to provide you with practice lessons and topics of study. It explains in detail how to conduct fellowship meetings. The manual contains descriptions of each lesson, including special tips to explore and comprehend each lesson, and many more.

In This post, you will see:


House Fellowship Leader’s Manual Lesson No: 46

TOPIC: All That Glitters Is Not Gold

OPENING PRAYER: Father, please work on me to show forth Your glory.

PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: The leader should remind members that dirty containers can never carry pure content. Remember Gehazi!

MEMORY VERSE: 1 Samuel 16:7 (KJV)

“But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.”

BIBLE TEXT: 1 Samuel 16:7-13 (KJV)

7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

8 Then Jesse called Abinadab, and made him pass before Samuel. And he said, Neither hath the Lord chosen this.

9 Then Jesse made Shammah to pass by. And he said, Neither hath the Lord chosen this.

10 Again, Jesse made seven of his sons to pass before Samuel. And Samuel said unto Jesse, The Lord hath not chosen these.

11 And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are here all thy children? And he said, There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he come hither.

12 And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the Lord said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he.

13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.

LESSON INTRODUCTION: “AIl that glitters is not gold” This means that all things that shine and glitter are not appealing and useful for us. Gold is a pure metal that shines and glitters, but not all things that shine and sparkle become gold. Therefore, as children of God, we must be led by God in the choices we make in life. In today’s Bible reading, Samuel would have made a wrong choice if he was not led by God.

LESSON AIM: To let members understand that different functions are required from godly vessels.

TEACHING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, members should:

1 Have an understanding of being led in making choices.
2 Remember that there are dangers hovering around every step one takes.

TEXT REVIEW: 1 Samuel 16:7-13

1 Every judgment based on appearance is likely dangerous.

2 Almighty God does not see how human being sees.

3 When you are ordained, you will be ordered to the throne and not hindered from being


It is an expression that not everything that looks precious or true turns out to be so. In view of this we must be very careful in the choices we make especially in marriage, business and ministry.

MARRIAGE– Many have ended up in broken homes or in broken marriages because of outward appearances of their spouses -2 Corinthians 4:4-18. When choosing a life partner, you must be led by God.

BUSINESS – Before getting influenced by the glittering outer appearance packaging of a business proposal one should ensure the inner qualities of the business. The real value of an object does not depend up on its appearance, as appearance are often deceptive. Many have gone into unexpected debt due to improper check. Be led by God. 1 Samuel 16:7.

MINISTRY– This is a common factor in the body of Christ Today. Many have gone into ministry because their pastor friend is thriving in ministry without hearing from God, in the cause of that, their ministry has suffered shipwreck leading innocent believers astray. Always involve God in the choices we make in life; they either make us or mar us. Rom. 4:18, Psalm 143:10, Gal. 5:18.

ACTIVITY: Discuss 1 Samuel 16: 7-13 with members.

CONCLUSION: Outward appearances are sometimes deceptive. It is not always possible to make judgment about the real worth of a thing by its exterior appearance. Many articles made of an inferior material are given a nice shining outward appearance in order to deceive people. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. Proverbs 3:5 -6


  1. Father, thank You for helping us thus far with the right choices we made.
  2. Father. please forgive me ror all the wrong choices I have made in times past, help me o Lord to right the wrong in my life, my family’s and ministry.
  3. Father, please help all RCCG members all over the world in their choice-making.
  4. Father, thank You for helping our Daddy in the Lord thus far, thank You for where You are bringing him from and where You are leading him to.
  5. Father, please pour afresh Your spirit upon all RCCG members worldwide for divine leading and direction.


MONDAY: Proverbs 3:5

TUESDAY: Proverbs 4:7

WEDNESDAY: Eccl. 10:10b

THURSDAY: Pearls are never found on the surface.

FRIDAY: Sometimes precious gifts come in poor wraps.

SATURDAY: Genesis 13:9, stop looking like Lot.

SUNDAY: Prayerfully seek God’s guidance in all your decisions and choices.

House Fellowship Anthem

1 I love this family Of God,
So closely knitted into one,
They have taken me into their arms
And ‘am so glad to be
A part of this great family

2 I bless this family of God,
So greatly prospered by the Lord,
They have taken me into their arms
And ‘am so glad to be
A part of this great family

3 I know this family of God,
So deeply rooted in the word,
They have taken me into their arms
And ‘am so glad to be
A part of this great family

4 I see this family of God,
So highly lifted above all,
They have taken me into their arms
And ‘am so glad to be
A part of this great family

5 Come and join this family of God,
So highly favoured by the Lord,
They have taken me into their arms
And ‘am so glad to be
A part of this great family

10 minutes for Opening Prayer, Praise and Worship
10 minutes for Testimonies
15 minutes for Bible Discussion
15 minutes for General Prayers
10 minutes for Questions & Answers
5 minutes for Welcoming New Members
10 minutes for Announcements, Offering, House Fellowship Anthem & Closing Prayers.
Total – 60 Minutes (1 Hour)

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Please note that you can order a hard copy of the RCCG House Fellowship manual at any Redeemed Christian Church worldwide or in any Christian bookstore.

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